Saturday, May 17, 2008

Mario Kart Wii

To start out I'd like to say that Mario Kart Wii is an awesome game. It's very fun and has tons of features.
The Grand Prix and the VS are still familiar enough to keep long time fans happy. The battles and races have changed, mainly because you can now play with twelve people instead of eight. You can still play four player all on one Wii but you can only play two on a Wii when you go online.
That's brings up another good point. The online play has drastically improved from Mario Kart DS. There is less lag making it a more fun experience and the game finds people for you to play much faster. With the friends system you can easily locate and join them! Even without the disk using the Mario Kart channel.
Some of the unlockable features require a ton of work to get. But none of the characters have any drastic advantages so if your a Mario Kart noob then you'll still survive the only play.
It's easy enough that people new to the franchise can still play and possibly keep up with the veterans of the franchise.
In conclusion I'd like to encourage you to buy this game if you already haven't. Who knows, maybe I'll even play against you online (my name on there is "Nolan".)

Rating- Double A+

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