Friday, February 15, 2008

The Faceless Man

So for my mom's birthday, she got some Adobe software. One of the items was Adobe Photoshop. I was playing with it some, and it has this really cool feature called Patch, it takes part of the picture and replaces another part, and it makes the colors match!!! So here is something I did with yesterday's photo.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Bloody Nose

So today was French Salad Dressing day. So the entire class got mustaches drawn on their faces. Now for Valentine's Day we all we're allowed access to red paint. I didn't know what to do with mine, so I gave myself a bloody nose with it. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Blue Beard

Okay, so this week at school has been school spirit week. This week's theme has been salad dressing. Today was Bleu Cheese Day and as you can see from below, the theme was dress in blue.

So pretty much the entire class did something along these lines, this was made possible because the teacher left blue paint at our disposal. Believe me, it isn't fun taking it back off.