Monday, May 19, 2008

Iron Man

If you expected this movie to be as bad as the Fantastic Four or Spider-Man, don't worry, Marvel's most recent adventure in superhero movies is actually, well, good!
Tony Stark's gagillion (note: It's higher than a billion) dollar company provides some good financial support for his ridiculously expensive suit. And it's one of the only superhero movies I've seen that has to do with terrorism in the Middle East (kind of graphic, but not mindless street thugs).
Iron Man even has some pretty good special effects. As he is shot and crashes the suit's paint job continues to get more and more scratched up. The scene in which he basically has a fight with some airplanes is really, really cool. He also has a really awesome computer!
Tony Stark (Robert Downey Junior) isn't big headed *cough*PeterParker*cough* even though he's a billion dollar guy.
The plot is pretty good. It explains where the suit came from and gives a detailed description on how it was built. The amount of time that the bad guy is in it could have been increased, but without him most of the time it was actually okay.
I enjoyed the movie. Some of it was inappropriate for children, and by that I mean that it probably has the highest body count for all superhero movies combined! But other than that it was pretty good. If Spider-Man disturbed you with his boringness, don't worry, Iron Man was not affected by the previous Marvel movie's flops.
He's angry that you might not have watched it yet.